ore 12 del 26 Giugno 2012, S. E. Alessandro D'Errico ha tenuto un
discorso di addio al Corpo Diplomatico in un incontro all'Hotel
Holiday Inn di Sarajevo. Il ricevimento è stato organizzato da Mr.
Mojžita, Ambasciatore
di Slovacchia e Decano del Corpo
Inn si trova nel cuore della city
ed è stato costruito nel clima delle Olimpiadi Invernali del 1984,
al centro di una rete di servizi urbani e di istituzioni sociali
economiche e politiche.
dell'Hotel a questo proposito recita:
the heart of the city next to the most important government and
parliament offices, museums, shopping centers, student campus center,
where the civilizations of the East and the West meet, stands the
Holiday Inn Sarajevo.Built for the XIV Winter Olympic games this
hotel has become a unique place to stay, eat, meet and celebrate in
Sarajevo, not only for business travelers but also for the world
leading politicians.
suo discorso pronunciato in inglese, Mons. D'Errico ha sintetizzato
in alcuni punti la missione da lui svolta nei sei anni trascorsi in
Bosnia-Erzegovina come Nunzio Apostolico.
piano antropologico egli ha messo in risalto il tesoro delle
tradizioni culturali del popolo di Bosnia-Erzegovina e la priorità
di promuovere un clima di armonia sociale, di tolleranza religiosa e
di dialogo tra le civiltà: “A mio parere, questa dovrebbe essere
la prima priorità, se vogliamo contribuire alla stabilità e alla
pace nella regione”.
piano diplomatico ha rimarcato l'impegno come Rappresentante
Pontificio “per coordinare le attività delle comunità cattoliche
nel paese e per promuovere buone relazioni di ecumenico e
interreligioso dialogo”; ha descritto la realizzazione di positive
relazioni bilaterali tra Vaticano e BiH, culminate nella formulazione
di due Accordi: “Con il primo, che si chiama Accordo di Base
ed è praticamente un Concordato, abbiamo voluto definire un quadro
giuridico della presenza e delle attività della Chiesa cattolica nel
Paese. Con il secondo, siamo stati in grado di stabilire un
Ordinariato Militare, con la nomina di un Vescovo”.
piano ecclesiastico e pastorale ha sottolineato l'importanza di
alcune iniziative: “Per quanto riguarda le mie attività per la
Chiesa Cattolica, vorrei citare tra le altre cose, le nomine dei
Vescovi in questi anni, l'istituzione di una Commissione
Internazionale sul "fenomeno di Medjugorje", l'inserimento
della Facoltà Cattolica di Teologia presso l'Università di
partenza per Zagabria, la cui vicinanza offrirà ancora accasioni
d'incontro, ha ringraziato le Autorita, in particolare il Ministero
degli Affari Esteri, Il Decano e i Colleghi Diplomatici per le
esperienze e i saggi consigli. Porterà con se il prezioso ricordo
dell'amicizia del popolo di Bosnia-Erxegovina e del soggiorno “in
questo bellissimo paese”.
Il discorso di S. E. Alessandro D'Errico in inglese:
to the
Diplomatic Corps in BiH
26th June 2012)
Dear Colleagues and
you very much for coming to this reception, organized by our dear
Dean of Diplomatic Corps, also in order to bid farewell to me.
you know, I have spent more than six years in Sarajevo. The rich
cultural traditions and friendly attitude of people of Bosnia and
Herzegovina have always touched my heart. So I’m leaving this
country with many pleasant memories, which for sure will be treasured
by me.
the professional point of view, these were intense years, both in the
bilateral relations, and for the mission - entrusted to me as
Pontifical Representative - to coordinate the activities of the
catholic communities in the country and to promote good relations of
ecumenical and interreligious dialogue.
the bilateral level, as you know, there were many official visits of
Authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina to Vatican and many high
Personalities from Vatican came to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Above all,
we were able to stipulate two important “Agreements”. With the
first one, which is called “Basic Agreement” and is practically a
Concordat, we wanted to define a legal framework of the presence and
the activities of the Catholic Church in the country. With the second
one, we were able to establish a Military Ordinariate, with the
appointment of a Military Bishop. Moreover, the activities of the
Joint Commission for the implementation of the Basic Agreement gave
me the opportunity to have frequent working contacts with the highest
for my activities for the Catholic Church, I would like to mention
among others the nominations of the Bishops during these years, the
establishment of an International
Commission about the “phenomenon of Medjugorje”, the insertion of
the Catholic Faculty of Theology in the University of Sarajevo.
from this, one of the priorities of my mission was that of promoting
an atmosphere of social harmony, religious tolerance and dialogue
among civilizations. In my opinion, this should be the first
priority, if we are to contribute to the stability and peace in the
region. Many times I have stated that we should talk more about what
we have in common, rather than about differences. And here, once
again, let me say that for a prosper future of this country, it would
be much better to put aside the differences and prejudices inherited
from the past, and to labour together to find right solutions to the
challenges faced by Bosnia and Herzegovina.
me also take this opportunity to thank the Authorities of the
country, and especially those of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for
the precious assistance that they extended to me. I am also grateful
to the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps and to each one of you, for the
collaboration and the wise advises that you always gave to me.
am confident that the relations of friendship which have been
established between us will continue in the years to come. And since
I am going to Zagreb, not far from Sarajevo, I hope that we will have
occasion to meet again and share our concern for the situation in the
region. Please be assured that you are always welcome in Zagreb.
to all of you I wish success in your mission and a happy stay in this
beautiful country.
you and Good bye.
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