sabato 17 novembre 2018

Fede Servizio e Missione negli incontri e nei discorsi del Nunzio

Dalla fine di Settembre alla metà di Novembre 2018, il lavoro del Nunzio Apostolico ha avuto momenti significativi sia dal punto di vista degli incontri diplomatici e sia dal punto di vista della presenza nella vita ecclesiale di Malta. Personalmente l’Arcivescovo D’Errico ha postato con continuità sulla pagina social le notizie essenziali riguardanti i vari incontri con le personalità politiche religiose e diplomatiche; non ha fatto mancare, d’altro canto, il riporto di riflessioni spirituali e di testi di omelie e discorsi significativi. Pertanto il blog può arricchirsi di contributi particolari evidenziando i temi trattati dal Nunzio e presentando, a partire dalle più recenti le celebrazioni e gli incontri che lo hanno visto presente e protagonista.
I temi preferenziali si evincono dalle omelie tenute: alla Messa di Ringraziamento celebrata per i giovani graduandi dell’Università di Malta, alla Cerimonia di Commiato del Corpo Diplomatico per l’Incaricato d’Affari della Libia, alla Messa per il servizio a Malta e in Libia delle Missionarie della Carità di Santa Teresa di Calcutta. Altre riflessioni sono leggibili nei post relativi alla Solennità di Tutti i Santi e alla celebrazione dei Defunti. Principalmente i temi attengono il Magistero del Santo Padre, le esortazioni provenienti dal Sinodo dei Giovani, il riferimento costante alla Vangelo e alla Parola di Dio, il servizio per i poveri, la spiritualità basata sulla preghiera e sulla vita orientata alla santità.

Solenne MESSA DI RINGRAZIAMENTO per i GRADUANDI dell'Università di Malta, con la partecipazione della 'Acting President' della Repubblica di Malta, S.E. la Signora DOLORES CRISTINA, del Rettore, dei Decani e del Corpo Docente dell'Ateneo. 

(Concattedrale di San Giovanni, La Valletta, Malta,16 novembre 2018).
Words of the Apostolic Nuncio At the Thanksgiving Mass For the University of Malta Graduations 2018 (St John’s Co-Cathedral, Valletta, 16th November 2018).

Dear Sisters and brothers in Christ,
It is with great pleasure that I have accepted the invitation to preside over at this Thanksgiving Mass, on the occasion of this year’s University of Malta Graduations.
- To all of you, dear graduands, I extend my cordial greeting. Welcome to this beautiful Co-cathedral of St. John for such a significant event. It is in-deed praiseworthy that you have chosen to come here to thank God for having reached this milestone in your life.
May I recall that the month of October was particularly important for the Church, because in Rome the Synod of Bishops on young people was celebrated. Most probably you know that in an important speech, at the beginning of the Synod, the Holy Father invited youths to be people on the move, following the path of the Beatitudes through a coherent life: a demanding and exciting life program for you and for us.
Therefore, I invite you, first to thank God for the goals achieved in these years of formation, and at the same time, to ask with humble and intense prayer that God might always be the light and the force that guides you on the paths of life.
- Let me also extend respectful greetings to Her Excellency the Acting President of the Republic of Malta, Madame Dolores Cristina , the Rector of the University, the Pro-Rectors, the Deans, the Lecturers, the University’s Administrative Staff.
Your Excellencies, Honourable Brothers in Christ, your presence here together with the graduands who have completed their period of formation, is an eloquent sign of how important the good formation of young people is for you and for Malta.
- And now, for a worthy celebration of this Eucharist, let us acknowl-edge that we are in the presence of the Lord, who will come to us through His Word and Sacrament.

(Readings: 2 Jn 4-9; Ps 118:; Lk 17:26-37)

Dear Graduands,
1. I congratulate you most heartily. You have just completed the period of your formation, and your graduation is like a bridge to the next phase of your life, which may mean either further studies, or embracing a new profession.

Evidently, the celebration of this Solemn Mass is an act of thanksgiving to the Lord. This is a moment when we pause to thank God, because He has accompanied you through years of study and enrichment, through ups and downs, through experiences of joy and commitment.
Secondly, we are in the Lord’s presence also for another reason: we wish to ask the Lord to guide you in the years to come; and therefore, we ask in prayer for his light and his strength for your future.
2. The Scripture readings, proclaimed earlier, convey a special message to each one us. The Gospel passage from St. Luke is one of those readings of-ten addressed to us, in this phase of the liturgical year of the Church, when it draws to a close. The Gospel reading talks about fearful happenings associated with the end of time. At the same time, the text talks also about people who were alienated with plenty of daily activities: “people were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building” (Lk 17:28b). They were so alienated that they didn’t realize that the Lord’s coming was near.

Evidently, we do not know when the Lord’s coming will take place. We also do not know what the future holds in store for us. From this page of the Gospel, we are simply called to be prepared. Be prepared for what lies in store tomorrow, means performing our duties well today. It means doing even little things with great dedication and love. That is looking not at one's own interest, but at the good of those near to us (especially the most needy), and of the society we serve with our activities. And all this taking Our Lord Jesus Christ as a model; Jesus who came to serve and not to be served and did not hesitate to give his life for us.
Thus we can better understand some expressions of Jesus that we have just heard and may appear paradoxical from the human point of view. “Anyone who tries to preserve his life [by himself, by herself] will lose it; and anyone who loses it [like Jesus] will keep it safe” (Lk 17:33).
Dear Graduands, as you embark on your profession, whatever it is, you are reminded by Jesus that it is by offering yourself generously that you will experience life in its fullness.
3. The other Reading, from the Second Letter of the Apostle St. John clari-fiesthis great ideal for each one of us. Let us recall St. John the Apostle’s view, which is very clear and is the basis of his second letter from which this passage is taken. St. John often affirms in this letter that God is Love. God is a Father who takes care of us carefully despite our limitations, our weaknesses and our sins.God is a Father rich in mercy, who does not hesitate to send His son Jesus Christ to free us from sin. And Jesus took his Mission seriously, and brought it to completion until death on the cross.
The consequence is easy to understand. As Christians - that is, as disciples and followers of Jesus - we should try to do the same in our lives and in our activities. We should love each other as Jesus loved us, keeping Him as the Supreme model: without interests, without calculations, without limits, without differences, without waiting. The Apostle John says “Let us love each other. To love is to live according to the [Lord’s] commandments: this is the commandment which you have heard since the beginning, to live a life of love” (2 Jn 5b-6). In short, we should always take Jesus as an example for our daily life and behave according to His teachings and His way of service and love.
4.Dear Graduands,
This evening, all of us are encouraged to cherish life through love. Through mutual love, we can put service into practice. Through service, we will contribute to the advancement of Maltese society, as well as those of other countries, where eventually we may be working.
Your presence, this evening, and your devote participation at this Mass, is a living sign of your commitment – as Christians and citizens. May your commitment be blessed and strengthened by the Lord! May your service be inspired by Christian values and especially by the model of Jesus’ love! May you contribute to build a better society, a civilization of love, which cher-ishes human dignity, love, solidarity and service. Amen.

Festa a casa di Padre Hayden Williams, OFM Cap, per il COMPLEANNO di Mons. ANTON GOUDER, e il 20° ANNIVERSARIO della nomina episcopale del NUNZIO APOSTOLICO (Senglea, Malta, 14 novembre 2018).

Felicitazioni vivissime, cara Eccellenza, con ogni migliore augurio per il Suo prezioso servizio alla Santa Sede e alla Chiesa. 

Il Santo Padre Francesco ha nominato Segretario aggiunto della CONGREGAZIONE PER LA DOTTRINA DELLA FEDE S. E. Mons. CHARLES JUDE SCICLUNA, il quale conserva l'Ufficio di Arcivescovo Metropolita di Malta
59 anni, nato a Toronto in Canada, da genitori maltesi immigrati, rientrato a pochi mesi con la sua famiglia nel paese natio, entra in seminario all’età di 19 anni e consegue poi la laurea in Diritto civile e la licenza in Teologia presso l’università di Malta e in seguito la laurea in Diritto canonico presso la Pontifica Università Gregoriana; ordinato sacerdote a 27 anni e nominato vescovo da Benedetto XVI, viene consacrato nel 2012 ed elevato arcivescovo metropolita di Malta nel 2015 da Francesco.

Tra il 1990 e il 1995 svolge l’incarico di difensore del vincolo e promotore di giustizia presso il Tribunale metropolitano di Malta, insegna Teologia pastorale e Diritto canonico nella Facoltà di teologia ed è vice rettore al Seminario maggiore dell’arcidiocesi maltese. Nel 1995 viene chiamato da Giovanni Paolo II al servizio della Santa Sede, prima come promotore di giustizia sostituto presso il Tribunale della Segnatura apostolica e poi come promotore di giustizia presso la Congregazione per la Dottrina della fede. Docente negli stessi anni nella Facoltà di Diritto canonico della Pontificia Università Gregoriana.

La lotta agli abusi sessuali

Mons. Scicluna si è distinto in particolare per l’impegno profuso nella lotta agli abusi sessuali all’interno della Chiesa, nel rispetto dei diritti umani e con particolare attenzione alle vittime di violenze, svolgendo importanti missioni per conto di Papa Francesco, a seguito della nomina ricevuta di presidente del Collegio per l’esame dei ricorsi in materia di Delicta reservata, presso la Congregazione della dottrina della fede. Nel febbraio scorso Papa Francesco lo ha inviato in Cile per indagare sulle denunce a carico del sacerdote Fernando Karadima al centro dello scandalo di abusi e tra i fedeli della diocesi di Osorno dove era vescovo un allievo di quest’ultimo, quel mons. Juan Barros che nel frattempo si è dimesso.  Roberta Gisotti, Vatican News.

Incontro con Sr Frances Farrugia, Sr. Liliana Borg e Sr. Robeena Inayat, della Congregazione delle "Dominican Sisters of Malta", Missionarie in Pakistan  (Rabat, Malta, 13 novembre 2018).

Solenne Concelebrazione Eucaristica alla Concattedrale di San Giovanni a LA VALLETTA per il 50 ° ANNIVERSARIO DI CARITAS MALTA, presieduta dall''Arcivescovo Charles Scicluna, con la partecipazione della Signora Presidente della Repubblica, e di Ministri, Parlamentari, autorità civili, alti Rappresentanti di Caritas Europa e Caritas Internazionalis  (La Valletta, Malta, 9 novembre 2018).

FAREWELL RECEPTION (cerimonia di commiato) del Corpo Diplomatico per l'INCARICATO D'AFFARI DELLA LIBIA, S. E. il Dott. ELHABIB ALAMIN, 

(Rabat, Malta, 8 novembre 2018).
Speech by H.E. Archbishop Alessandro D’Errico at the Farewell Reception organized by the Diplomatic Corps for Mr. ELHABIB ALAMIN, Chargé d’Affaires of Libya (8th November 2018)

Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Welcome to you all!

Thank you very much for your participation in this Farewell Reception, organized by the Diplomatic Corps in honor of our distinguished Colleague, Mr. Elhabib ALAMIN, Chargé d’Affaires of Libya, who is terminating his mission in Malta.

A special welcome to Mrs. Kirsten Spiteri, Chief of Diplomatic Protocol.
On this occasion, let me mention some elements of Mr. Alamin’s “curriculum vitae”.
Mr. Alamin is a distinct Libyan personality well known for his activities not only in the political field, but also at a scientific and cultural level, especially in the field of archeology, scientific research and poetry.
He graduated in Archeology at the University of Benghasi in 1987. Then, he continued his research in the Department of Archeology at the same university, where he obtained the M.A. in 1994. Later on, in 2010, he obtained the PHD degree at the University of Rome.
In the first years of his professional activities as an archaeologist, he worked for various archaeological projects, restorations, archeological surveillance, explorations, excavations, and inspections of various historical locations in Libya, often in collaboration with high-level foreign academic institutions including some from Italy, England, France, Sweden and several Arab countries.
As a poet, writer and political activist, Mr. Alamin contributed a lot in the Libyan Media on public matters in symposia and workshops about the civil society, the role of intellectuals, the democratic transformation, as well as being present in European and Arab channels as activist and analyst about the issues of Libyan affairs.
In September 2012 he was assigned by the National Transitional Council as a Director of Culture and Civil Society in Benghasi, in the Executive Bureau.
Following the elections of the General National Congress, Mr. Alamin was selected to be the Minister of Culture and Civil Society within the Libyan Transitional Government headed by Mr. Ali Zeidan.
Then he was appointed as Minister of Housing and Public Facilities, and as Minister of Information. He continued working in these posts until the formation of the Libyan Transitional Government of Mr. Abdallah Althini, when he became Political and Media Advisor to the Prime Minister.
In November 2014 Mr. Alamin was assigned by the Transitional Government to the post of Chargé d'Affaires and Head of the Libyan Mission in the Republic of Malta.
During these past four years in Malta he carried out his duties with dynamism and competence, both within the Libyan community, which is quite numerous in Malta, and also through the countless contacts that he held with the political and cultural institutions of these islands. Besides this, he participated in many important international conferences as well.
Dear Mr. ALAMIN,
During your term of office in Malta, you have served your Country with great competence, and your professional and human qualities have been much appreciated.
Let me also add my personal gratitude for what you have done for me in my position as Apostolic Nuncio to Libya, and in particular, I would like to say a big thank you for the facilitations you extended to me for my visits to Libya and for all the advise about the situation in the country and the main agents of this delicate period.
Now, when you are terminating your mission, we are confident that the silver plate we are presenting to you as a souvenir, will remind you of your colleagues in Malta, and help you cherish good memories of the time spent here.
For future activities, we wish you a pleasant and successful service, to both your country and to the international community.
Thank You!

Incontro con la Delegazione della Fondazione "Aiuto alla Chiesa che soffre" (" Aid to Church in need"- ACN International ), in visita a Malta, guidata dal Dott. THOMAS HEINE- GELDERN, nuovo Presidente Esecutivo di ACN (Rabat, Malta, 6 novembre 2018).

Santa Messa alla MARIAPOLI 2018 del Movimento dei Focolari (Ramla Bay Resort, Mellieha, Malta, 3 novembre 2018).

O Dio, onnipotente ed eterno

Signore dei vivi e dei morti, 
pieno di misericordia verso tutte le tue creature, 
concedi il perdono e la pace ai nostri fratelli defunti, 
perché immersi nella tua beatitudine ti lodino senza fine.

L'eterno riposo dona loro o Signore, 

splenda ad essi la luce perpetua, 
riposino in pace. 


Una maestra di una scuola materna aveva portato la sua classe a visitare il duomo di Milano e raccontava le figure dei Santi sulle vetrate luminose. Qualche giorno dopo, in occasione della festa dei Santi , il parroco domanda ai bambini: "Chi sono i Santi ?". Prontamente un bambino risponde: "Sono quelli che fanno passare la luce".

La piu’ bella definizione dei Santi l’ha detta quel bambino. 

Ogni volta che incontriamo una persona che ha luce negli occhi, che diffonde attorno a sé questa luce, non abbagliandoti ma illuminando la strada, quello e’ un Santo! Ognuno di noi ha conosciuto questi Santi : non uomini e donne perfetti, ma persone vere, semplici, che stanno in ascolto della vita, trasmettono la gioia di vivere e sanno trasmetterti la bellezza di Dio.


Incontro con S. E. l'Amb. GABOR GYORIVANYI, Incaricato d'affari a. i. di Ungheria nella Repubblica di Malta (Rabat, Malta 31 ottobre 2018).

Incontro con il Presidente e Membri del Consiglio Direttivo della FONDAZIONE GIOVANNI PAOLO II di Gozo e Malta (Rabat, Malta, 31 ottobre 2018)

Santa Messa all'Università di Malta per la chiusura della CONVENZIONE NAZIONALE del RINNOVAMENTO CARISMATICO DI MALTA (26-28 ottobre 2018) - Malta 28 ottobre 2018.

TAVOLA ROTONDA "UNITED IN DIALOGUE" (Uniti nel dialogo), al Palazzo Presidenziale, tra Responsabili delle COMUNITÀ RELIGIOSE presenti a Malta, organizzata e moderata dalla Signora Presidente della Repubblica , S. E. MARIE LOUISE COLEIRO PRECA.  (La Valletta, 23 0ttobre 2018).

Incontro con il Rev. BRENDAN GATT, Vicario Giudiziale del Tribunale Ecclesiastico Metropolitano di Malta  (Rabat, Malta, 23 Ottobre 2018)

Incontro con S. E. il Sig. FRANK ZAMMIT, nuovo Ambasciatore della Repubblica di Malta presso la Santa Sede (Rabat, Malta 23 ottobre 2018).

Incontro con il Prof. PAUL SHIBERRAS, Docente di Sacra Scrittura alla Facoltà di Teologia dell'Università di Malta (Rabat , Malta, 16 ottobre 2018)

Santa Messa alla RESIDENZA PRESIDENZIALE DI SAN ANTON, in occasione della celebrazione della FESTA DELLA MADONNA DEL PILAR, (alla quale è dedicata la Cappella del Palazzo Presidenziale), e del Quinto Anniversario di FONDAZIONE dell'ASSOCIAZIONE MALTESE DEI NONNI,
- con la partecipazione della Signora Presidente della Repubblica di Malta , S. E. MARIE-LOUISE COLEIRA PRECA , 

- dei membri dell'Associazione Maltese dei nonni e del suo Presidente, Sig. PHILIP MICHAEL CHIRCOP,
- e di altre Autorità.  (San Anton, Malta 14 ottobre 2018).

Visita alle MISSIONARIE DELLA CARITÀ (di Santa TERESA DI CALCUTTA) - Santa Messa per il loro servizio nella Repubblica di Malta e in Libia (Cospicua, Malta, 12 ottobre 2018).



"Ho sete". "Tutto quello che avete fatto a uno solo di questi miei fratelli più piccoli, l’avete fatto a me"

I am really happy to be here today and I am very grateful to Sr. Maya for the invitation to celebrate this Eucharist with you.

I am always pleased to share some experiences and some moments of prayer with the Missionary Sisters of Charity. Even more so today, thinking of the precious service that you render here in Malta and of the touching testimony that the Missionary Sisters of Charity give in Tripoli.

I am even more pleased to be with you today also for the fact that I am linked to Sr. Maya by an old friendship, since we were together in Pakistan 20 years ago. Then it was a great joy for me, when last year I was appointed here in this Mediterranean region, to find her as a Regional Superior.
Dear Sisters, in the past few days I was thinking what message I could leave through this homily today. After reflection and prayer, I thought that it would have been better to share some experiences of mine around the world, through my contacts with your communities, especially in very difficult countries.
1) To start with, I would like to say that I have always been impressed by the great service that you render to the poorest of the poor and by your spirit of prayer.
I have often visited your houses and your chapels. What is impressing to me is to always find behind the altar a writing that reminds us of the fifth word of Jesus on the Cross: I THIRST. After these visits, I have often meditated in prayer for my Episcopal service and often I found myself wondering what these words of Jesus on the Cross could mean for my service to the Church.
2) Let us then contemplate the scene together. We are at the end of Jesus’ life, in one of the most dramatic moments of His life: the moments of the great pain and sufferings on the Cross.
This contemplation reminds us that Jesus lived a life of coherence, courage, determination in His mission, in order to announce the good news of God, rich in mercy towards all, and with a special preference for the poorest.
Now, we should ask ourselves what Jesus specifically intends to say with these words, not only in that dramatic moment of the experience of the Cross, but also what He wants to say to each of us today, because his word is always an actual one, also for us.
- Evidently, we can easily understand that in those dramatic moments of the Passion He also suffers dehydration and He needs something to drink. So this is a material thirst; and that’s why those around Him run to bring Him something to drink, as the Gospel says.
- But in the experience of Mother Teresa, and of several great mystics, these words of Jesus are also of much more importance on a spiritual level: Jesus wants to say that He is thirsty of souls, of our souls, of our concrete commitment to Him.
3) In this regard, I would like to remind you and myself of Mother Teresa’s first experience of the mystical thirst of Jesus, on September 10, 1946.
On that day, she was still a nun of the Sisters of Loreto, a missionary in India. While travelling by train and doing her meditation, she understood deeply the mystical thirst of Jesus as a call to give Him a concrete answer with her life, by putting it at the service of the poorest, in whom we can see the hidden face of Jesus.
Thus, the thirst of Jesus became the foundation of the whole charisma of the Congregation, of its Constitution and of the activities that the Missionaries of Charity have around the world.
In other words, Jesus is thirsty for our souls, and is thirsty for an adequate response from us, reciprocating at some extent the great love that He had for us, without limits, up to the great sufferings of the passion and death on the Cross.
Let us remember some of Mother Teresa’s comments: “…Listen to him while He pronounces your name with this expression" .I thirst means “I am thirsty for your soul, I am thirsty for your response ... for your participation in my passion, in my redemptive suffering”.
4) We can understand all this also from another perspective. The answer that Jesus expects from us is that of a full and complete readiness to embrace His project of life - a project of full communion with the Heavenly Father, with a joyful commitment to the poor.
That’s why Mother Teresa often stressed the importance of keeping to-gether two sentences of Jesus. The first one is: I THIRST; and the second: YOU DID IT TO ME.
Let us remember once more the words of Jesus: “I was hungry and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger and you invited me in. I needed clothes and you clothed me. I was sick and you looked after me. I was in prison and you came to visit me.…Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it to me”. So, for Jesus the poor are the hidden presence of Him near to us and so tangible. Therefore, they are the intermediaries through whom we can see and touch Jesus, the most precious gifts of God.
Evidently this also implies a great spirit of sacrifice, and also a great deal of suffering. But in Mother Theresa’s perspective there is no doubt that serving the poorest and sharing their sufferings is the best way for us to participate con-cretely to the redemptive passion of Jesus, completing in our flesh - as St. Paul says- what is lacking in Jesus' sufferings.
Dear Sisters, allow me to conclude these few scattered reflections by say-ing a big THANK YOU to each one of you, for the example that you give us of Jesus' thirst applied to the concrete circumstances of today’s society.
I have always found you on the front line, in the most difficult places, in the most complicated Missions, where often others don’t like or don’t have the courage to go, like in Afghanistan and in Libya for example.
Therefore, allow me, as a Pontifical Representative, to tell you my personal gratitude for what you do and for what you are. Your charisma was important for St. John Paul II, who nourished so much esteem and fraternal friendship with Saint Mother Teresa. It is also important for Pope Francis, who wanted to take the name of Francis just to remind all of us that the Church needs to rediscover the need of a preferential option for the poor.
With this gratitude I entrust you once more to the protection of the great Foundress Saint Mother Teresa, sure that she will obtain for you all the graces, all the blessings you need, to live such a demanding mission for the poorest, often in the most difficult circumstances. Amen

Incontro con S. E. Monsignor CHARLES V. E. GAUCI, di origine maltese, Vescovo di Darwin (Australia) (Rabat, Malta , 11 ottobre 2018).

Pranzo di commiato per MADRE GRAZIELLA BENGHINI, al termine della Visita Canonica, e Festa di Compleanno per Suor LILIAN CINTYA PALMA ROJAS, SOSC, della Comunità delle Suore SOSC in servizio alla Nunziatura Apostolica  (Rabat, Malta, 10 ottobre 2018).

Incontro con P. ANTON FARRUGGIA, OFM (Rabat, Malta, 9 ottobre 2018)

Ricevo ancora qualche bella foto della Visita alla Parrocchia-Santuario della Madonna di Pompei in MARSAXLOKK di domenica scorsa 7 ottobre, e le condivido volentieri per il loro significato (9 ottobre 2018).

Visita alla Parrocchia-Santuario della Madonna di Pompei in MARSAXLOKK. 

- Santa Messa, Processione e Benedizione Eucaristica, incontro con i Sacerdoti e le Religiose (7 ottobre 2018)

Visita della Madre GRAZIA BENGHINI, SUPERIORA GENERALE delle Suore Salesiane Oblate del Sacro CUORE (SOSC).
- Un grande e fraterno BENVENUTO, cara Madre Graziella, con viva gratitudine per il prezioso servizio che le Consorelle SOSC rendono nella casa del Papa a Malta e per la Libia, e con ogni migliore augurio per il Suo intenso apostolato.  (6 ottobre 2018).

Incontro con il nuovo Ambasciatore di Germania nella Repubblica di Malta, S. E. il Sig. WALTER HAßMAM (Rabat, Malta, 5 ottobre 2018).

Incontro di lavoro con Il Ministro degli Affari Esteri e della Promozione Commerciale, l'On. CARMELO ABELA, e la Segretaria Generale del Ministero, l'Amb. FIONA FORMOSA  (Palazzo Parisio, La Valletta, 1 ottobre 2018).

Incontro con l'ARCIVESCOVO Charles J. Scicluna, la Mamma MARIA CARMELA e la Sorella MONICA, alla solenne Celebrazione di ieri al Santuario mariano di Nostra Signora del Cuore di Gesù, in Sliema.

Concelebrazione Eucaristica di ringraziamento alla PARROCCHIA DI NOSTRA SIGNORA DEL CUORE DI GESÙ, dei Frati Francescani Minori (OFM), presieduta dall'Arcivescovo Scicluna, per il CENTESIMO ANNIVERSARIO di erezione.
- INCORONAZIONE della statua della Patrona ed erezione della chiesa a SANTUARIO mariano (Sliema, Malta, 29 settembre 2018)

Incontro con la nuova Ambasciatrice di FRANCIA nella Repubblica di Malta, S.E. la Sig.ra BRIGITTE CURMI (Rabat, Malta, 28 settembre 2018).

1 commento:

  1. Breve biografia: Don Alessandro D'Errico è nato a Frattamaggiore (NA) il 18/11/1950. E' stato ordinato sacerdote il 24/03/1974. In data 14/11/1998 viene nominato arcivescovo titolare di Carini e Nunzio apostolico in Pakistan. Il 21/11/2005 viene nominato Nunzio apostolico in Bosnia ed Erzegovina. Dal 17/02/2010 ricopre anche l'ufficio di Montenegro e viene nominato Nunzio apostolico in Croazia. Il 10/06/2017 nominato Nunzio Apostolico a Malta da Papa Francesco.
    Carissimo don Sandro; " Grazie di esistere !!! " Nessuno conosce i progetti che il Signore ha su di te. Posso solo dire che sei uno strumento di grazia nelle Sue mani. Sicuramente ti è sempre vicino perché operi in nome della Pace e della fratellanza cristiana.
    Cristo Regni Sempre in te con il Suo Spirito e la Sua presenza. Amen
